spent a lovely afternoon…

February 2, 2008 at 7:35 pm (embroidery, stitch / machine)

in the company of other embroiderers… Vivienne A Brown gave a talk ‘Liberating the Liberty Bodice’… I’ve search for links but only found this

it’ s to ‘Stitch with the Embroiderers’ Guide
I can remember seeing this exhibition at a quilt/embroidery show…(in Harrogate?) will try and remember which show…!! it was a very inspiring talk with a very… very good ‘power point’ presentation as well… if you get the change I can highly recommend it… the actually work was simple stunning… machine stitching on both fabric and paper with wonderful use of the computer as a design tool…
this talk was arranged by the Guisborough & District Branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild
perhaps I meet you there one day…

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